
标题: 问一下csq闭合工签问题 [打印本页]

作者: boycc    时间: 2020-7-7 13:34
标题: 问一下csq闭合工签问题
一般CSQ后 持VR的人 如果找到工作 可以人待在境內 郵寄回国或美国的加拿大领事馆 纸申 闭合工签吗

还是说 必须只可以回国办? 一般成功率高么

作者: 名仕移民留学    时间: 2020-7-8 12:20

作者: 名仕移民留学    时间: 2020-7-8 12:24
作者: Speedyimm    时间: 2020-7-9 12:26

您目前如果没有有效工签,找到魁省工作后,要按照程序申请LMIA,之后在国内申请工签。 之后,如果需要续(在CSQ有效范围内),可以无需再申请LMIA在加拿大续工签。


Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)-exempt work permit renewals and extensions for certain Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently in Quebec (exemption code A75)
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for a work permit under paragraph R205(a), foreign nationals must

currently reside in Quebec
have a valid work permit
have an offer of employment submitted by the employer to IRCC
hold a CSQ under the Quebec skilled worker class; the CSQ must indicate one of the following codes in section 9, Catégorie:
“IQ – Travailleurs qualifiés”
“IP – Travailleurs”
“IT – Travailleurs qualifiés”
“IZ – PEQ Travailleurs”
“IY – PEQ Étudiants”
“I6 Travailleurs Art. 40”
be in one of the following situations:
have a valid CSQ (within the 24- or 36-month validity period) at the time of their initial A75 work permit application if they have not yet submitted their permanent residence application
have submitted their permanent residence application before the expiry date of the CSQ, and the application is still in process; the work permit (initial application or renewal) may be issued under the LMIA exemption code A75, even if the CSQ is expired
fall under one of the following categories:
applicant seeking to extend their work permit for their current employer or renew it with a different employer in the province of Quebec
applicant seeking a work permit with a new employer in the province of Quebec
student who has obtained a post-graduation work permit that is still valid and who has an offer of employment in the province of Quebec
work permit holder through participation in one of the following categories under the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program:
Working Holiday
Young Professionals
International Co-op (Internship)
作者: 抽象艺术    时间: 2020-7-9 17:36
speedyimm答复的不错,但你的人品极差,现对speedyimm中介的人品质疑如下:你在蒙城汇以你女儿的名义公开指名道姓造谣称:他人骚扰了speedyimm的父母。当被一再质疑什么时间骚扰怎样骚扰,你一直没有答复。现在继续质疑:你为什么拿自己的父母造谣攻击他人?这除了是法律问题,也是严肃的伦理道德问题,你怎样解释?你的父亲过世将近二十年(有网友在本论坛谴责她气死亲生父亲,她一直各种胡扯抵赖也没有正面否认),你的母亲改嫁远方很多年对于你攻击的人来说现状不明,它(她)们怎样被骚扰?你造谣诽谤罔顾了基本事实,完全丧失了基本的伦理道德底线,你的做法也完全跌破了绝大多数人的认知底线。你的人品极差。               我对以上所述事实的真实性负法律责任。
作者: whacheong8    时间: 2020-7-10 09:54
闭合工签 有csq的无需什么limia,这些个移民中介也不知道都怎么混成今天这样了
作者: 名仕移民留学    时间: 2020-7-10 10:41
whacheong8 发表于 2020-07-10 09:54
闭合工签 有csq的无需什么limia,这些个移民中介也不知道都怎么混成今天这样了

您高明,请问光有CSQ没有工作 没有工签 如果找到新工作后,怎么免lmia 还请不吝赐教 。为了不引起其他朋友的误解 我们还是有必要再次澄清一下我们和中介的区别,我们是受移民法和移民顾问注册委员会监管约束的移民顾问,就像律师,医生一样,有职业操守,受行会保护和限制
作者: SisL    时间: 2020-7-12 03:14
最好寄回你本来的国籍的国家,否则移民局有理由以你不是全心全意想要移民加拿大而取消你所有的签证。还有你都有了close work permit你还怕啥?
作者: Speedyimm    时间: 2020-7-13 11:24
来,再给一个魁省的附加证明,哪些人无需CSQ后申请LMIA续工签,楼主对号入座. 也就是说:之前没有过工签,也不是IEC program,也没有毕业工签,那就要LMIA。申请一般加拿大以外,有CSQ的过签率还是很高的。

In order for the employer to be granted this exemption, your application for a work permit must be accompanied by a copy of your Certificat de sélection du Québec and your offer of employment to work in Québec.
CSQ holders who are eligible for the LMIA exemption can be:

foreign workers who wish to extend their work permit for the job they hold or to renew it in order to hold a job offered by another Québec employer;
participants in an International Experience Canada program (Working Holiday, Young Professionals, International Co-op) who hold a work permit and wish to extend their permit for the job they hold or to renew it in order to hold a job offered by another Québec employer; or
foreign students who obtain a post-graduation work permit and hold a job offer from a Québec employer.
作者: 名仕移民留学    时间: 2020-7-15 20:19

作者: 留学移民易路飞    时间: 2020-8-3 16:34
作者: Speedyimm    时间: 2020-8-25 17:30
8月24日新政,持旅游签的亲,这里有job offer,可以加拿大境内申请闭合工签。截至:2021年3月31日。



作者: boycc    时间: 2020-8-25 19:26
Speedyimm 发表于 2020-08-25 17:30
8月24日新政,持旅游签的亲,这里有job offer,可以加拿大境内申请闭合工签。截至:2021年3月31日。



這是只能紙申麼? 因為畢竟是短期政策 ,網申問卷系統應該也未 更新吧?。 。
作者: Speedyimm    时间: 2022-6-30 22:18
不好意思,很久没来啦。 回复boycc:



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