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tutu1 [招聘·其它] 招聘快递司机
蒙特利尔快递公司现招聘快递司机 语言要求不高 都是小件中件货物 需自备车辆 按单结算 送的多赚的多 欢迎电话联系:5146608557
最后发表: 一人一口@ 6 天前 472 2 2024-4-12
carlos@ [招聘·其它] 按摩出售
出售多年老店。。。如果有兴趣请电联。514-583-8746。。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240501/1714589855447083897.jpg
最后发表: carlos@@ 6 天前 252 8 2024-5-1
carlos@ [招聘·其它] 按摩招聘
离南岸二十五分车程小镇诚聘女按摩师。客源好,小费高。时薪30刀。有意请联系514-662-2988。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240423/1713847897632004802.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240423/1713847897916412846.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240423/1713847898195292975.jpg
最后发表: carlos@@ 6 天前 390 11 2024-4-23
新枫向HR [招聘·其它] 招聘两名全职仓库操作员 attach_img
招聘岗位: 一、仓库操作员 工作职责 1.负责仓库货物的接收、存储、分拣和发货,叉车装卸。2.确保仓库内货物的安全和整洁。3.协助进行库存管理和记录。 岗位要求: 1.良好的体力能够处理较重货物。2.有责任心,能够遵守安全规程。3.优先考虑有仓库工作经验的。4.要求会熟练使用叉车和电动地牛5.基本的计算机操作技能。 6.语言要求:流利中文, 简单英法语。*公司会提供入职培训。 工作地点:Lachine,H8T 2Y5 (有免費停車位) 求职材料:1. 简历2. 应聘概述(请在标题上方写明应聘岗位) 有意者请在下方扫码添加微信招聘号, 或请将简历发送至hr@newdcanada.com
最后发表: 新枫向HR@ 6 天前 311 0 2024-5-10
漂漂 [招聘·其它] 招聘按摩师
招聘按摩师 地址Laval 环境好 生意稳定 现招聘星期五 星期六按摩师 有意者请联系我 电话 438 788 1156 514 836 5168
最后发表: liangzai@ 6 天前 98 1 2024-5-13
好看的 [招聘·其它] 聘酒店保洁员 新人帖 New
工作内容:负责公司所划分的区域卫生职位要求:有工作经验者优先,有酒店保洁经验者优先 所需技能: 月休四天、八小时工作制、带薪培训、员工旅游、保底加奖金、全职。 联系:4385005197
最后发表: 好看的@ 6 天前 145 0 6 天前
tianwei227 [招聘·其它] 装修招聘
海华建筑装修RBQ魁省注册建筑公司。 招装修师傅,工作时间周一至周五9点到5点,大工,中工,小工各一名,工资两周结一次,有车有经验者优先联系电话4389985998 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636343949199454.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636344532353983.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636344632109774.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636344721774496.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636344780503241.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/171563634543490387.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636346002747206.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/171563634662647054.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20240513/1715636346763090668.jpg
最后发表: tianwei227@ 6 天前 167 0 2024-5-13
1112 [招聘·其它] 招聘司机
送货lasalle-西岛 (周三、周五、周日) 时间:3:30-6:30pm 具体联系:514-582-4999 电话没接,短信联系
最后发表: 1112@ 6 天前 253 2 2024-5-5
guorui99 [招聘·其它] Beauty Center医美中心聘前台 attach_img
最后发表: guorui99@ 6 天前 226 0 2024-4-23
keem [招聘·其它] 汽车改色贴膜
汽车贴膜 car wrap ✨️Partial wrap ✨️Hood, roof, lights tint/chrome delet 车顶/机盖/车灯/ 详细请联系 电话514 775 9707 WeChat Jw-kxxx00 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/168557755030544122.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577551053991437.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577551353883527.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577551734847842.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577552406998428.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577552707586714.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577553010712447.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577553320273639.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230531/1685577553474044172.jpg
最后发表: keem@ 7 天前 441 6 2023-5-31
露娜666 [招聘·其它] 招聘兼职女按摩师每星期工作3-4天 新人帖
蒙特利尔附近小镇招聘女按摩师。一周工作3-4天 环境舒适.50以下 联系电话. 437-231-1628
最后发表: 露娜666@ 7 天前 68 0 7 天前
ks8990 [招聘·其它] 聘物流公司文员
[*]跟据出货单进行调配车辆,确保信息无误; [*]负责运输回单的收集、核对验收、整理及处理异常出货单; [*]负责运输费用的对账; [*]物流信息反馈表录入; [*]完成运费付款计划报告及运费月报表; [*]完成上级安排的工作任务。 [*]Email:songyang750819@gmail.com
最后发表: 小小僧@ 7 天前 278 1 2024-5-8
TeeX [招聘·其它] 暑假集市招助手
6.15 16 两天集市活动。主要负责接待客人,回答客人问题,预约服务时间,协助摊主进行工作。 要求:英法流利,对中国传统文化感兴趣并乐于宣传。最好有服务行业经验,热情爱笑。有兴趣+v: Xtw970026007 注明来意+MBTI类型
最后发表: Xiaowanghaer24@ 7 天前 177 1 2024-5-12
ChrisLi [招聘·其它] 美甲学员招生(美甲精修课程)
座落于市中心的美甲美容沙龙交通便利,客源稳定。现招收生美甲学员。本中心提供以就业为方向的美甲精修课程。一对一,手把手教学。授课加真人实操。只要有心学、用心学,学毕,基础扎实,实践能力强,即可应征美甲师职位。详情请咨询:514-582-8201 或 514-880-8868(请在早10点到晚8点之间联络)
最后发表: ChrisLi@ 2024-5-13 21:27 61 0 2024-5-13
120212 [招聘·其它] 修衣服,改窗帘
Brosaard 附近,修改各类衣服、窗帘的可以联系我,换拉链、改长短、改大小、瘦腰…都可以,微信13880827324。每天五点之后或者周日才能接单,白天工作日上班
最后发表: 120212@ 2024-5-12 20:12 172 0 2024-4-25
夏至17977 [招聘·其它] 西人协会按摩师证+发票 有兴趣的电话联系
想要自己开店的朋友,需要魁省高级按摩师证,1000学时以上的,请看过来哦,包下证,无需上课无需考试, 1-3周下证,保险收据魁省所有保险公司可报销。询价请拨打:5145776663工作时间可留言,尽快回复。 另有保险发票单独出售,有健康保险的顾客可以报销回本,现在物价飞涨,交的保险费怎么算也不合算,还不如报销后得一笔保险金平衡收支,按摩保险和natrotherapy的保险单均可提供。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20230816/1692223944986721386.jpg
最后发表: 夏至17977@ 2024-5-12 18:10 318 1 2023-8-16
腻星 [招聘·其它] 聘请正规全职按摩理疗师 新人帖 heatlevel  ...23
岗位一经入职,拎包入住、包吃包住、报销路费、公费旅游、人性化管理,有事可以请假,工资发放及时从不拖欠,发展机会多,晋升空间大,赶紧加入吧 只要你身体健康,吃苦耐劳,有没有经验都可以应聘! 详情咨询微信;Lanky608
最后发表: 腻星@ 2024-5-12 14:48 944 56 2024-3-7
UIEHFJH [招聘·其它] Garderie Rainbow Daycare 招聘员工
The infant day care center provides a family-like ecological environment for community families, a scientific early education environment for infants and young children, and provides effective protection for young working parents who lack education. We are recruiting for the following positions 1. 4 nannies: have received advanced infant care training, have more than 2 years of childcare experience, and have professional skills such as infant care, advanced maternal and infant nurses, and pediatric massage to ensure the health and safety of babies. 2. 2 preschool teachers: Bachelor degree or above, majoring in preschool education, art, etc., more than two years of infant and toddler teaching experience, early education teaching ability and academic background in infant and toddler education psychology 3. 1 health worker: Provide children with daily health care, regular physical examinations, drug storage registration and use and other related pathological consultations, supervise health care work, safety work and vaccination work, and be responsible for children's publicity, training and learning. Health care knowledge, guidance on children’s healthy development and nutritional expertise 4. 2 nutritionists: Customize 365-day quantitative recipes according to the season and baby's age to meet the baby's growth, development and nutritional needs, and make meals suitable for the baby's development 5. Two teaching staff at the front desk: 24-hour all-weather customer service, 8-hour kindergarten reception service, and 24-hour return visit tracking service to timely track the baby's return visit in the kindergarten to ensure that the baby grows happily in the kindergarten and provide satisfactory services to the baby and parents. 6. 2 environmental sanitation and cleaning personnel: Regularly clean various areas in the park and disinfect regularly to ensure cleanliness, tidiness and hygiene, and to prevent mosquito breeding, etc. Interested parties please send resume to email:liyiming10980@gmail.com
最后发表: UIEHFJH@ 2024-5-11 20:45 188 2 2024-5-10
Clinique-yuanQi [招聘·其它] 元气诊所南岸店招聘前台
招聘前台!有经验者优先,无经验可培训。 工作地点: 南岸店:8500 Taschereau Blvd Unit 3, Brossard, Quebec J4X 2T4(Clinique yuanQi) 电话:4504866677(Brossard) 微信:yuanqiclinic -全职/兼职均可,有经验者优先!
最后发表: Clinique-yuanQi@ 2024-5-11 14:58 64 0 2024-5-11
小鳄鱼不洗澡 [招聘·其它] 招聘 快递员 南岸 新人帖
最后发表: 小鳄鱼不洗澡@ 2024-5-11 08:11 173 1 2024-5-10

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