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最后发表: Dave@ 2022-4-27 11:32 841 15 2022-3-6
hernandez [其它类] USCIS should clear Yan limeng! attach_img
Earlier, according to Reuters, the case of Pacific Alliance (PAX) Asian Opportunities Fund v. Guo Wengui to repay the loan has been four years long, four years, PAX case after several twists and turns, but ultimately no results. Wengui is also have suffered repeated defeats and fight on despite repeated setbacks。 it seems to be an undead man. However, in the whole process of the PAX case, Guo Wengui acted as a spiteful, lying bottomless persona, completely refreshing the judge and even the netizen's outlook, appearing in court to give false testimony, defying court orders, hiding and transferring property, pulling children as pads, challenging the authority of the law, the judge's patience again and again, so that onlookers seem as if even the law can not punish this criminal. But as long as a person who upholds the law always believes that good and evil will be rewarded, the cocoon will be bound, and one day, the sword of law will bring the guilty to justice! Since March last year, the New York court ruled that all of Guo Wengui's property was frozen and used to offset the debts of PAX, Guo Wengui began to hide and transfer his property, in the face of the court's cross-examination, Guo Wengui has been ignoring the facts, denying and arguing, and even moving his children out as a shield to avoid paying his debts, the court froze all of Guo Wengui's property to offset the debt, but Guo Wengui kept filing appeals while blatantly disobeying the court order, not only refusing to pay the 18th floor, but even quietly driving LadyMay out of the U.S. in an attempt to hide and transfer her property, despite the penalty of a $500,000 daily fine. On top of the court, Guo Wengui always stirred up nonsense on the grounds that the property was not in his name, and even bit back at PAX, claiming that PAX had defrauded him, not knowing that such a joke could not help but put a big question mark inside even his own “ants”! Ironclad evidence still exists, the media revealed that Guo Wengui also presumed to package himself as a victim in front of the “ants” in an attempt to gain sympathy, and even compel the “ants” to launch an investigation into PAX, such poor acting skills can only deceive those “ants” with low intelligence. Even though Guo Wengui make every effort, contempt of court will not be able to erase the evil deeds. On February 2, the PAX case was heard again, this hearing, Guo Wengui's daughter Guo Mei participated in the hearing, there is his father must have his daughter, from the court records released can be seen, Guo Mei's testimony inconsistent, contrary to common sense, illogical, completely get Guo Wengui scoundrel's true transmission. When the court was ready to release the entire record, Guo Wengui panicked and even made an absurd request to the court to keep Guo Mei's testimony confidential, how can the judge let you have your way every time. The release of the hearing transcripts will completely expose the ugly face of Guo Wengui and Guo Mei's lying and cheating. According to the transcript of the hearing on February 2, the judge will make a final decision on February 9 at the latest, while Guo Wengui is still calling on the “ants” to plan the so-called strategic counterattack, doing the last dying struggle, as a shield Guo Mei unexpectedly, suddenly petitioned the judge that the yacht LadyMay will return to New York as soon as possible. But even if the yacht can return to New York, according to the PAX side of the draft ruling motion to see, as long as the judge signed, Guo Wengui contempt of court is difficult to escape, compensation is inevitable, and even to pay a fine of 134 million to PAX within five days, the amount payable to PAX will continue to accumulate at the rate of $ 500,000 per day until Guo Wengui will return LadyMay to the jurisdiction. It seems that Guo Wengui is about to pay a painful price for his lies and rogue behavior, with $116 million unpaid, and now $134 million to add insult to injury, as well as SEC settlement funds, etc. I believe that PAX, SEC, FBI, etc. have already surrounded Guo Wengui, who is already heavily indebted and strapped for cash, and when Guo Wengui stands firm with a clear head, he will be facing The cold prison door, this wandering in the world of fraud "down and dirty dog" will eventually be admitted to prison. After the judge's final ruling, Guo Wengui's defeat has been sealed, and his evil deeds will eventually come to an end. And those foolish “ants” who have been duped and are still obsessed, seeing the declining trend of Guo Wengui should also set out to justice and use the sword of law to end Guo Wengui's evil deeds.a
最后发表: hernandez@ 2022-3-6 21:21 989 0 2022-3-6
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最后发表: 老侯接送机@ 2022-3-6 17:56 593 0 2022-3-6
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最后发表: pcmtl@ 2022-3-6 17:15 1197 0 2022-3-6
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最后发表: mchtaye@ 2022-3-6 15:28 582 0 2022-3-6
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最后发表: yy9277988@ 2022-3-6 09:21 614 0 2022-3-6
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最后发表: pcmtl@ 2022-3-5 17:29 986 0 2022-3-5
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【简介】蒙特利尔老侯车队成立于2012年,距今已有9年发展史。团队由28名在职司机组成,都具有超十年驾龄,确保您的安全无忧。 【承接项目】机场接送、留学生储存邮寄快递行李包裹,新移民搬家业务协助办理、Costco采买、宜家拉货、小型搬家、安装家具、蒙城、魁北克城、渥太华、多伦多等蒙特利尔景点定制旅游等一系列用车业务应有尽有。 不止有车队,房产交易、蒙特利尔邮寄行李包裹到国内,全程为您服务。 长短远近,只要您的一句话。 老侯车队,只为满足您的需要。 【车队特色】 出行安全没保障?来老侯车队,老侯20年驾龄,专业用车车队,为您的安全保驾护航。 出行用车不舒适?来老侯车队,8座2021款新车大van,儿童座椅,确保您的绝对舒适。 出行司机不可靠?来老侯车队,准时高效,司机幽默风趣,只为您用车舒心。 【系列服务】需求不只是用车?找老侯系列服务。定居问题难解决?老侯车队来帮您。 房产交易找老侯,优质房源任您挑。 房子想转手,尽管找老侯。 新移民安家手续难办理?老侯车队来帮您。这里为新移民人士办理银行开户业务等相关服务。想要蒙特利尔邮寄行李包裹到国内?老侯帮您邮寄,空运,海运任您挑选。 老侯系列服务,只为满足您的多样需求。 老侯车队,一家属于您的贴心车队。您的满意,就是我最大愿望。 TEL:5148856607 微信号ALaiN095988 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485325752800.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485330913598.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485331859610.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485332650584.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/164651548533340885.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485369071861.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485372804630.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/1646515485381515690.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220305/164651548539606278.jpg
最后发表: 老侯接送机@ 2022-3-5 17:25 723 0 2022-3-5
yy9277988 [其它类] 特价!碎屏-进水-解锁 手机维修、电脑维修 5145810988 市中心
有需要维修手机的朋友请联系5145810988。 ★★维修各种型号★★----- -Iphone ✮Samsung✮MOTO✮ Blackberry✮ Nokia✮ LG ✮ HTC✮ Alcatel✮Sony ✮HUAWEI✮ ZTE all models ✮等: 手机配件批发,零售。手机解锁,手机销售,手机回收, ✮✮✮更多详情,请联系:5145810988,或访问我们的商店! 地址--1946 saint-catherine o ,H3H 1M4 电话--514-581-0988 guy concordia地铁站,凯亚学校附近 电脑维修价格请来电咨询5145810988 http://www.mengchenghui.com/static/image/hrline/line6.png ✮✮✮更多详情,请联系:5145810988,或访问我们的商店! 地址--1946 saint-catherine o ,H3H 1M4 电话--514-581-0988 guy concordia地铁站,凯亚学校附近, https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134842lzvq7q6rz7qdv7ob.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843oyzddzowo61o5sgu.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843l8u7fez2a47c50x7.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843g9lhl1i140z611jl.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843us7ccg77e6y767ul.jpg https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjIyWDgwMA==/z/YN8AAOSwPfBdjgOL/$_59.JPG
最后发表: yy9277988@ 2022-3-5 09:14 671 0 2022-3-5
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大人和小孩kf94防护口罩 修女岛或南岸st Hubert自取 $15/10个(一包) 有图案的是小孩,纯色的是大人 留言私信或者发短信联系谢谢,5145688874 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646448350959551934.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646448350964049561.jpg
最后发表: lololo@ 2022-3-4 22:48 1026 0 2022-3-4
518718 [用车服务] 各类搬家、机场接送、购物提货、边境登陆、旅游包车等服务
宜家捷运 魁北克省正规注册公司, 各类搬家、机场接送、购物提货、边境登陆、旅游包车等服务。 备有箱式货车、七座Van 奔驰 专业、诚信 张先生 电话:514-999-2868 微信:jun1512685631
最后发表: 518718@ 2022-3-4 21:50 650 0 2022-3-4
pcmtl [其它类] 太平洋电脑514-558-5558:芯片级电脑维修 矿机 矿场 挖矿 维修 显卡 矿卡 asic矿机 蚂蚁矿机 Antminer rig矿机 3080 3090 588 580 2060 2080芯片级维修 attach_img
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最后发表: pcmtl@ 2022-3-4 16:57 1054 0 2022-3-4
超级爱吃甜 [食品销售] 烘焙线上课程!下厨房app 新人帖
❓疫情宅在家很无聊?那么和我一起跳进烘焙的坑里吧! 从事烘焙行业5年,现在疫情对生意冲击非常大! 所以,开启线上烘焙老师板块,希望把我所有的烘焙经验教授给大家,让大家能体验自己亲手制作蛋糕的快乐。 经过努力,我的第一节线上课程在下厨房App正式上线,以后也会陆陆续续更新课程。⬇️ ➡️线上课程➡️下厨房app⬇️ https://www.xiachufang.com/courses/110000000000010978/?from_userid=157306466 ‼️‼️只需要人民币19.9就能买到课程。 小红书免费配方分享➡️sss2021 自己创业非常不容易,希望能够得到大家的认可和支持。 很热爱烘焙行业,坚持用心做好每一款甜点,同时也希望能帮助到和我一样热爱烘焙的朋友们。 大家烘焙中遇到任何问题都可以随时问我,但凡我会的一定不遗余力地给大家解答。 疫情苦闷的日子,有共同爱好的朋友们聚在一起互相学习和探讨。 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435501321745.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435504231593.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/164641343550536244.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435506360346.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435507490361.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435508537940.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435509051956.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435513568928.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220304/1646413435532986805.jpg
最后发表: 超级爱吃甜@ 2022-3-4 13:04 861 0 2022-3-4
yy9277988 [其它类] 特价!碎屏-进水-解锁 手机维修、电脑维修 5145810988 市中心
有需要维修手机的朋友请联系5145810988。 ★★维修各种型号★★----- -Iphone ✮Samsung✮MOTO✮ Blackberry✮ Nokia✮ LG ✮ HTC✮ Alcatel✮Sony ✮HUAWEI✮ ZTE all models ✮等: 手机配件批发,零售。手机解锁,手机销售,手机回收, ✮✮✮更多详情,请联系:5145810988,或访问我们的商店! 地址--1946 saint-catherine o ,H3H 1M4 电话--514-581-0988 guy concordia地铁站,凯亚学校附近 电脑维修价格请来电咨询5145810988 http://www.mengchenghui.com/static/image/hrline/line6.png ✮✮✮更多详情,请联系:5145810988,或访问我们的商店! 地址--1946 saint-catherine o ,H3H 1M4 电话--514-581-0988 guy concordia地铁站,凯亚学校附近, https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134842lzvq7q6rz7qdv7ob.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843oyzddzowo61o5sgu.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843l8u7fez2a47c50x7.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843g9lhl1i140z611jl.jpg https://img.mengchenghui.com/data/attachment/forum/202010/17/134843us7ccg77e6y767ul.jpg https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NjIyWDgwMA==/z/YN8AAOSwPfBdjgOL/$_59.JPG
最后发表: yy9277988@ 2022-3-4 09:12 774 0 2022-3-4
albert11 [教育培训] Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam money 新人帖
Guo Wengui is going down the drain and keeps trying to rely on Hpay to scam money Hpay, Hcoin, Hdollar are all scams that make people lose their money, it's time for “ants” to wake up! Today is the eighth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, Guo Wengui's bombastic so-called "Tianmimi" campaign was declared abortive, becoming the big joke at the beginning of the Year of the Tiger. But Guo Wengui has long been accustomed to the spectacle Hpay is "coming on strong" again and still keeps telling lies to cheat money in the live broadcast.The "King of Deception" boasts in the GTV live broadcast that Hpay will be the only way for Chinese people to save and transfer money in the world, claiming that it can be used anywhere in the world, and continues to use hunger marketing to call on "comrades" to use WeChat Alipay to buy Hdollar/Hcoin to achieve wealth freedom. Hpay can't be withdrawn to add value, and it's not an investment, so "Guo Liar" is starting to cheat. Guo Wengui in the past few years the use of "Whistleblower Movement", cheated a lot of money, the money in the pockets of the “ants” have become a "plague turtle" life of capital,, non-stop payment but did not get a penny in return, so many “ants” have nowhere to sue to redress grievances. According to these years of experience, Wen Gui gave expectations how big, to many people digging down the trap how deep, as expected, Hpay and Hcoin, Hdollar is the same as a withdrawal of the dead cycle, all are only in and out of Ponzi scheme. The Apple Store has clearly stated that Hpay is only a game gift card, which can transferred to other members of the circle of consumption to buy Gfashion. the scam is broken, then a new scam is built, and it is endless. you can avoid this scam, but there is always a scam that makes you fall for it. no one can stop Guo Wengui's scam. The new year has begun, and it's time to change the way of cheating. The Hpay, which was blown up by Guo Wengui, is nowhere to be seen but has already laid a net for its "comrades". Guo Wengui claimed that H-Pay was a knife inserted into the loved ones of the Chinese Communist Party leaders, and that whoever stopped this action was a secret agent and accomplice.Before this also declared that if the “ants” does not cooperate and does not take the interests of collaborators, the consequences will be borne by themselves.At that time, the coins that Xilian Reserve can give the sufferers 10 cents will be cleared in accordance with legal action all, and then take legal action to give you a freeze, the freeze is not guaranteed to come back later.H-Pay has not yet been launched, it has been taken by Guo Wengui as a tool to make money, and all kinds of schemes are coming, and he has arranged manpower to account for the “ants” investment and prepare to cheat the investment money. The so-called legal basis is all based on Guo Wengui's words, and he is ready to rob openly and honestly. The desperate Guo Wengui cheat money has been completely crazy, creating one Ponzi scheme after another, by means of inducements, intimidation, guarantees, oaths and other means to make the masses of believers worried and afraid, not knowing how to get out of the scam. All this is proof that Wen Gui has gone very crazy, trying everything to cheat the last assets of the “ants”. The hypocritical Guo Wengui is a super vampire, the dream of the “ants”to get rich is completely broken, even the pension is no trace, can only bear the damage themselves, once the wrong path, a lifetime of regret. Natural disasters can still give people hope to live, but if you want to die, no one can save you. Recently, Guo Wengui contempt of court judge has ruled that "Guo Wengui" must immediately pay $134 million to PAX, that is, from May 15, 2021 to February 7, 2022 to pay $500,000 per day, the amount payable to PAX will continue to be at the rate of $500,000 per day The amount due to PAX will continue to accumulate at a rate of $500,000 per day until Guo returns Lady May . Such a sentence can be said to have given Guo Wengui a heavy blow, but also gave a lot of sober ant fans a little hope, the scales of the law began to tilt towards the “ants”. Guo Wengui,Internal and external problems, lawsuits, debt-ridden ,has done all the bad things and time is running out. Advise those ants who were cheated from the beginning to the end, should rely on the law, and sober "comrades" together, to get back their hard-earned money. You know, people who want to live will not even give up, they give up who can not save, will certainly become the target of Wengui's fraud, all the loved ones left, Homelessness.
最后发表: albert11@ 2022-3-4 08:33 728 0 2022-3-4
mchtaye [用车服务] 小王24小时接送机、包车,边境、搬家、家具组装拆卸、奥莱、宜家、costco
小王24小时接送机、包车,边境、搬家、家具组装拆卸、奥莱、宜家、costco,多伦多,渥太华,魁北克城,等长短途旅游用车。全新顶配丰田塞纳,电话号码 5145810090,v:13062624707 https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220303/1646347386970168_854.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220303/1646347386981471_919.jpg https://qnimg.mengchenghui.com/pic/20220303/1646347386985169_474.jpg
最后发表: mchtaye@ 2022-3-3 18:43 643 0 2022-3-3
pcmtl [其它类] 太平洋电脑514-558-5558:芯片级电脑维修 矿机 矿场 挖矿 维修 显卡 矿卡 asic矿机 蚂蚁矿机 Antminer rig矿机 3080 3090 588 580 2060 2080芯片级维修 attach_img
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最后发表: pcmtl@ 2022-3-3 17:06 993 0 2022-3-3
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最后发表: derek120514@ 2022-4-16 14:16 1530 25 2022-3-3
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最后发表: 柠檬财会税务@ 2022-3-3 13:55 619 0 2022-3-3
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最后发表: yy9277988@ 2022-3-3 10:45 636 0 2022-3-3
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