热搜: 房产 留学 医疗

急问,NDG有没有 给小孩看病的Walk

.babywing 发表于 2013-12-25 11:25:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
试一下打811吧, 一般会根据症状,地理位置给出建议。英法语服务。

811 - Info-Santé

Not sure what's going on? Questions about your health?

Before going to a hospital or a clinic, dial 811.
If your phone do not allow you to dial 811, dial this phone number: 514 521-2100

An Info-Santé nurse is available 24/7 every day of the year to answer your call.

She will advise you on your health problem and tell you whom to see.
What is Info-Santé?
Info-Santé is a telephone service that puts you in contact with a health professional to discuss a non-emergency problem. This professional consultation service is available 24/7 to answer day-to-day health questions and direct people to the right door to knock on in the health and social service system.

However, when the problem is urgent, you'll have to go to the emergency department of a hospital or dial 911 to get help quickly (police, firefighters, paramedics).

811… the best way to find out how to access the services and resources of the health and social service network, the services that are available in your neighbourhood, and much more...
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